Friday, April 29, 2011

Will car makers install alcohol detection devices in vehicles?

There have been repeated efforts in both state and federal level to reduce the number of car accidents caused by drunk drivers. According to statistics, an estimated 11,000 deaths were caused by drunk driving last year, a number that the police are trying to lose. There have been some suggestions on how to reduce the number of people who are caught driving while intoxicatedIn Texas, the penalties may include suspension of license, jail time, and even community service. One piece of proposed legislation aims to make mandatory ignition interlock devices, requiring drivers to breathe into the device to measure levels of blood alcohol content. Many of these sanctions and penalties proposed are ways that law makers believe will help to reduce the number of fatal car accidents. One that has gained ground is the installation of a device that detects if the driver is drunk. As an ignition interlock device, this device is installed in the vehicle. This device, however, would be installed by the automaker. The device is known as the driver alcohol detection system for Security and ideally stop drunk drivers from driving your car. Supporters believe that this device could eliminate drunk driving accidents in the future. Those who are undecided are concerned that this type of device can invade people's privacy. In addition, some fear the alcohol sensing device over time will be legally obliged to take all vehicles, instead of just being optional. But how does the device? Will you explain things like mouthwash may indicate the presence of alcohol? According to the company that is designing the device, the technology that represent false positives and have safeguards to prevent manipulation of the device drivers. In addition, the device prevents the car from moving unless the driver registers above the legal limit in the state.

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